About Us
Born in New Zealand, I was an avid equestrian as a boy working and living in a Thorough-bred Racing Stable that specialised in Steeple Chaser and the odd Hurdler.
Since moving to Australia in 1968. I have been successful shown Angora Goats, Barred Plymouth Rock Fowls, Smooth and Wire Fox Terrier, Cairn Terriers and Australian Terriers.
I currently have shares in three race winning Thoroughbreds here in NSW.
Always having a cat or two, I became involved with Bombays (Fulhunt Cattery) 2002 and British Short Hairs (Britern Cattery) in 2005 after visiting a pet Expo in Sydney.
Currently residing in the Outer Western Suburbs of Sydney I now only breed and show British Shorthair and the odd British Long Hair. Britern has successfully made up over 20 Champions shown both by myself and other exhibitors.
As an International All Breed’s Cat Judge I have judged and exhibited all over Australia and New Zealand.
Ern Fuller